Saturday, 8 March 2014

Beauty Stockpile

Whilst helping my mum to tidy her room up on Monday whilst we were both at home, we came across a little beauty stockpile that my mum didn't actually know about. It was stuff that she had got as presents over the years, bought and forgot about or stuff she had got from her mum's house when she sadly passed away.

As my mum isn't really a 'beauty person', she gave a lot of stuff to me. My mum only wears makeup on nights out and doesn't really use any sort of skin stuff. She is very much a 'shower person' and has a very demanding job, meaning she works long hours and doesn't have time for baths. She gave me a lot of bubble bath, moisturisers, skincare products and perfume. However, one perfume really stood out to me.

This is a Lancome perfume, I know they are a very expensive, top end brand. I took this from my mum's room after smelling it and really liking it. This is very much a scent that is hard to describe and definitely one that is very out of my comfort zone and one I usually don't wear. I normally like sweet scents but this is very strong and fruity. Not sweet at all.

I know this is a very old perfume but I found the exact one here on the Harvey Nichols website for £50. I got a right bargain.


  1. I can't believe I didn't know about this perfume as I'm a huge fan of Lancome! Is it a nice kind of 'every day' perfume though or more of one to wear every once in a while? :)

    1. I think it's quite an old one, that's why you've probably never heard of it! I'd say it's a more kind of everyday perfume as personally I'd go for something a little more 'exotic' going out :) x

    2. Oh yes that would make sense :P It's so cute that you found it, I'll have to look into getting it from that website :) x

    3. Haha! Yeah you should! Although it seems pricey, it will last a long time as it is very strong and you really don't need much to smell it :) x

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