Saturday, 15 March 2014

You're A Wizard Harry

After visiting the Harry Potter studios in 2011, I promised myself that I'd make some sort of effort to watch the films or read the books. I haven't until now.

I've seen bits of the films from when my dad's watched them as they were all on tv not long ago, but I've never actually watched any of the films. 

As part of my New Year resolutions, I promised myself I'd read more and I made a reading list. Having ADHD, I find it hard to stay focused on just one thing at a time meaning it's very hard for me to watch films and read books. 

I decided to watch the films and not give up. I promised myself that if I got bored and needed to get up, then I'll just pause it and come back to it and so far, so good. I'm currently near the end of the second film and although it's taken me about 3 weeks to get here, I am really enjoying it. 

As much as I am finding it slightly confusing, it is so well put together. The effects are just mind blowing and it's no secret that J.K Rowling has done a very good job. 

I've always found that reality is more in my comfort zone than surrealism and fantasy. As much as I'm a strong believer in unicorns and fairies, I find myself hating fantasy films! I don't know why this is but I think it's because I like things to make sense in my head. Sometimes the things that come out my mouth, only make sense to me. 

I can honestly say I am absolutely loving these films and I've actually found myself saying that I want to go to Hogwarts! Last night my family and I went out for dinner in a nice posh restaurant and I went into 'Harry Potter mode'. I started asking my dad how many people have tried running between platforms 9 and 10 at Kings Cross Station. My dad actually works on the railway and he said he sees it everyday. Apparently there's actually now a sign that says 9 3/4 at Kings Cross! He also told me that someone once turned up with a shopping trolley and white owl!  

I can't wait to see the rest of the films and I am going to dig the books out - we have them all..somewhere! Disc 2 has just finished, as I type, time for disc 3!


  1. Wow! I can't believe that you have not seen/read the saga until now. I am a serious Potter Head and am still waiting for my Hogwarts letter haha xx

    1. So many people have said that! I honestly feel like I've been living under a rock my whole life! When you get yours, make sure it's not mine sent to the wrong address!! Xx

  2. Hey lady! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I stopped reading after the fifth book way back in the day. They're just so long! I'm definitely a book junkie though. :)

    1. That's ok! My next challenge will be to tackle the books! I agree, they are loooong!! X

  3. I am a huge harry potter fan! the films are amazing :) I highly suggest you try the books though, there is a lot the films miss out.

    Catherine x

    1. I am too now! Yes, the books are my next challenge! Thank you for letting me know :) xx

  4. I've only read the first two books and seen the first movie...Maybe I should also catch up with it as everyone seem to be loving it :)

    1. I've only seen the first 3&a half films! I used to watch bits with my dad on saturday nights in winter and my thoughts were always 'this is overrated and makes no sense' but when you watch from the first one, it's a big help! I'm surprised at how many fans it has!! :) x
