Monday, 17 March 2014

Blogging Buddy

One of the best things about being a blogger is the blogger community. There's so many girls, and boys, around the same age of me that share so many interests and hobbies with me.

Social media is the biggest form of advertising nowadays and most people use sites such as Facebook and Twitter daily. 

I started my blog just over a week ago and I've already made some friends over Twitter, one of which I've talked to everyday since we found each other again, just over a week ago. 

My new friend, or Blogging Buddy as we've decided, is called Joanna. She is such a beautiful girl with a great personality. We've got loads of common and share so many interests. 

There's not been a day we haven't spoken and I can't wait to learn even more about her! 

You can check out her lovely blog here!
How beautiful is her logo?! 

(She did give me permission to write about her!)


  1. Thank you so so so so much!!! This is really what I love most about blogging, getting to meet new people (hey blogging buddy! Haha) and I just feel so amazingly special that you've written this about me :D thank you so much again!!xxx

  2. Meeting new people because of blogging is great! Loved the post! Check out my blog
