Within the last year, I've found myself in Brighton a lot. I must have visited at least 6 times since last summer, which doesn't sound much. Do bare in mind that I love in London and it's about a 2 hour train journey and 3-4 hour drive.
Spending all this time in Brighton, I've really grown to love it. There's something about the sea that relaxes me and all the tourists and different characters that excites me.
Right now, I am sitting on a train, blogging. I'm on my way back to London from Brighton after a very lovely day with my mother, sister, mum's very lovely best friend and her very lovely daughter.
The day started at choccywoccydoodah. After a walk around the shop, we went into the café and had lots and lots of chocolate, mm..
Unfortunately I didn't manage to get any photo's in the café as my phone died, I did charge it in the arcade after though!

We then went for a walk across the beach and pier, spending more money than we could afford in the arcade. 

We then went on the Brighton Wheel.
(I didn't capture the couple taking a selfie on purpose but how cute?)
We then played crazy golf (I lost!) before grabbing some fish and chips that might as well of been cardboard, it was horrible.
Walking back up to the station, myself and my sister popped into Boots and spent a lot more than we should of done (on my credit card!). Haul to come!
Today made me realise that I like trains a lot more than I realised. My dad being a train driver means I get free travel which I never use, up until now. I will become more adventures and use trains more, I'm not so scared of them anymore.
I hope you all had a lovely Saturday.
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